Friday, 1 March 2013

Thank you & more stitches!

I just want to start this post by saying thank you to everyone for your messages off support, love and prayers. My DH will have his operation on Wednesday. All being well he will only be in hospital 48hours. We haven't been told how long we will need to wait for the results.  I'm sorry if I haven't got round to answering all my emails yet. I shall hopefully get to them this week-end. As you will see most of my free time is still taken up with my stitches.

These are my February SAL Christmas and Halloween ornaments.

It's a free theme choice for the Christmas March SAL so I have chosen to do this design. I'm looking forward to starting it tomorrow. It's the third time I've stitched this chart.

My dear friend Cath recently won a wonderful voucher give-away. She very generously treated me too these gorgeous purple scissors and a huge piece of evenweave. Knowing my love of sheep she also brightened my day with this sweet little fob.

Even though it looks a completely different colour I did use the cream evenweave that came from Cath to stitch this lovely freebie design by Victorian Motto Sampler. I will probably finish it into a pillow for a future RAK.

I've had this chart kitted up in my stash for a long while. I have so enjoyed stitching it this week.

As usual I changed some colours and instead of putting in the year and my initials I added some buttons.

I've also been working a little on my Sam Sarah Wild Flower WIP. I'm going to try and at least do a few stitches a month on this one from now on. I need to have it finished by August.

I also managed a few more crocheted squares this week. It will probably take me about a year but hopefully when I have enough I will be able to make a blanket.
Well I shall hopefully be back soon with more new stitches. Have a good week-end. 
Happy Stitching!


lynda said...

Wow, Lainey, you've really had some smokin' needles! I love the colors you chose for Small gives the design a totally different feel!
Your husband (and you too) will be in my thoughts and prayers this week. I hope the operation goes smoothly and that it doesn't take too long to get the results. Hugs...and have a great weekend!

Carin said...

What a lot of stitching you have done and so beautiful. I also love those crocheted squares.
I hope everthing goes weel with the operation on Wednesday.

sharine said...

Very cute finishes. I love the colors in your squares:)

Michelle said...

Beautiful stitching Elaine. My thoughts will be with you this coming week xx

Mouse said...

good luck to hubby for Wednesday you know where I am if you need me ok ... well done on the smoking needles and cute gifties too ... and way to go on the grannie squares ... one day my have a go love mouse xxxxx

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely stitching Elaine. A gorgeous gift from Cath. Love the crochet squares. Will be thinking of you and your hubby on Wednesday.

Cath said...

Gorgeous stitching and crocheting.
You know where I am if and when. I'll be e-mailing you soon .XXX

Vickie said...

What beautiful color choices for your granny squares. Such lovely stitching projects.
Your husband and you are in my prayers.

Catherine said...

Wonderful stitches my friend! You know continued thoughts and prayers are headed your way.....and you know how to get in touch if you need! Hugs!!

Becky K in OK said...

All your stitching pieces are fantastic. I especially love the reindeer ornament and the Halloween one. The purple fabric on the little black cat is wonderful. Will be thinking of you and your DH.

Carol said...

Will be thinking of you and your dear husband this coming week, Elaine... You've had so many beautiful finishes lately and I love your granny squares! Sending hugs your way.

butterfly said...

Your in our prayers.
Beautiful stitching, it's a good healer when you are worried hugs June.

Teresa said...

Looks like lots of wonderful stitching done.
Lots of prayers for you and your family in the coming days.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

L.O. said...

Lainey, you posted some lovely pictures of all your projects. How do you keep up with it all? Hang in there this week. You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all goes well on Wednesday.

Friendship Crossing said...

Lainey, you put me to shame w/all your wonderful projects you finished!! Wow! They look great!

Praying hubby's operation goes well!


Kathy Ellen said...

May your dear husband and you be surrounded by prayers as he has his surgery on Wednesday.

All of your little stitched designs are wonderful! Especially love 'Scatter Smiles'....such softness and a sweet sentiment.

Blessings for you and your husband.

Mii Stitch said...

Lovely stitching projects & cute little goodies from your friend. All the best for your husband's operation next week. x

Sally said...

Thinking of you and your family Lainey. Hope all goes well.

All of your stitching looks lovely.

Annette said...

good luck with hubby, Hope all will go well.
Wil think about you.
Take care
Beautifull stitching pieces!!!
Your really on a roll.
Glad you find your peace in your stitching

PS.. love the new layout, but having trouble reading the letters

Myra said...

You have been busy! Lovely stitching. I will be thinking of you and your DH this week.

Valma said...

what a busy bee you've been, beautiful pieces and starts =)
will think of you and hubby on Wednesday
I wish all the best for his operation

Mylene said...

WOW! You sure been busy and all beautiful finishes.

hope everything goes well for your hubby.

Fiona said...

Lots of great stitching. I really like your personalisations on the BBD.

Anne said...

I hope that everything is okay with your husband now. Such sweet finishes and great granny squares!!

Crystal Digitizing said...

outstanding designs embroidery digitising service nice stitches *(*